
It is no secret the classical guitar as we know it today traces back its origins to the remarkable life and work of Antonio de Torres. Many have attempted to recreate some of the magic the Andalucian luthier imbued his wood with, creating a dark, lush and powerful tone that we identify today with the essential sound of the Spanish guitar. Staying true to the traditional principles of artisanal luthery, l believe Marco Bortolozzo of Milan, Italy, by his craftsmanship and selecting only the finest tone-woods, is one of the few guitar makers that with his celebrated Torres FE09-inspired model, guitar after guitar, has succeeded in bringing back to life the vivid sound, touch and feel of this exciting instrument from 1859 that for good reason, was Miguel Llobet’s favourite guitar.”
Owner of a Marco Bortolozzo “Torres” #66-2018
Jan Depreter

From the moment I picked up my Bortolozzo I could feel and hear something I hadn’t before in any of my instruments. An incredible one on one dynamic and tonal response that has since inspired me to continue reaching deeper still.
An amazing guitar, one of a kind.
Alain Johannes

I am happy to have come across Marco Bortolozzo, because he is a person who sincerely loves his work as a craftsman and this shines through his instruments.
They are finely made, cared for and although classic they have a tension towards research and modernity which I am sure will lead him to experiment and improve constantly.
I had never played such a rich classical guitar, with harmonics, nuances and timbres, with a surprising lightness and playability.
Rodrigo D’Erasmo

58 – what a singing beauty!
It ist the beauty of simplicity: fine woods, a designers heart and eye and stunning craftsmanship.A delight to look at. I love its smell of maple and spruce and just a little bit of shellac. When I take it to play with, it is light like a feather and perfectly balanced. Trebles are sweet, lightfull and airy, basses are dark and serious, middles dry and mediterranean. It is easy to play, if you let you guide to effortlessness.
It is an instrument of love, honesty and happiness.
Wolfgang Hillemann

I spent a lot of time researching my sound and, over time, this need has increased exponentially. I had to learn to calculate the nuances, to take advantage of the contrasts by maniacally exploring the chain of elements and factors that determine my sound.
Then I met Marco’s guitars and I finally started playing again without thinking about anything.
Regarding my Hauser copy, built by Marco, I can simply say that it is a deep, kind and extremely generous instrument, with which I pleasantly spend a lot of time without ever getting tired.
David Beltran Soto Chero